Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hey, You, Whatever Your Name Is, Come Here!

Why is it that I cannot get my kids' names right? I don't mean once in a while, like when I'm really tired, or they look especially alike. Come on, let's face it, they don't look much like each other anyway. I just had a friend tell me that if she didn't know my kids were related, she would never guess they were siblings. 

I can never, ever say the right name to the right child at the right time. I run through at least three of them before finally giving up and just saying, "Whoever you are!" It doesn't even matter that I have one girl and three boys. I mix them all up, no discrimination whatsoever. 

I bet that you, too, have this problem. Are you ashamed to admit it? Do your kids think you don't know their names? Mine think it. They always say, "Mom, why can't you ever say our names right?" Believe me, kids, if I knew, I would stop. I really do want to call you by the wonderful name we chose for you. I don't want to be flustered and give up in frustration and call you, "what's your name." 

Mark thinks he has it all figured out and just calls the kids by their birth order. You know, "Number 4, Number 1, get over here." Poor Trixie if he ever tries to use her number nickname in public. It doesn't work for me. Even though I birthed them, I think I'd still get the numbers wrong. 

I asked my mom why it happens. She does the same thing to all of her grandchildren. There are nine of them, and she mixes them up a lot. My dad still calls me by his little sister's name. He hasn't lived in the same house as her in forty years, yet he calls me Lisa. 

Does anybody have an answer? Why can our brains hold so much information, like all the lyrics to every New Kids on the Block song, yet we cannot spit out the correct name for a child whose life consumes our every waking minute? 

To our children: 

We do know who you are. We do love your individuality. We gave you the names we did because they were meant for you and your personality and sweet face. We're sorry we mix you up, but just keep telling us we're wrong, and give us a hug. We love you, Reese, Trixie, Chip, and Marshall!

(Actually, their real names are even more confusing).

I'd love for you to find me on Facebook


  1. HAHAHAH! So very true! I do it all the time too and actually just did it yesterday. I was calling them in for lunch. I had one child already at the table and was trying to call the other three. I must have thrown out 5 combinations of the 4 names and each time, I included the child that was already at the table waiting for lunch. He sat there and watched me in awe, with eyes that either said "Wow- she has finally lost her mind" or "How did I end up with a mom who cares so little she doesn't even know our names?" - I am not quite sure. Either way, I finally sighed and he laughed so hard at me. I think they are more forgiving to us than we think - at least that is what I am hoping for.

    1. Aw, Kara. I can imagine who was first to your table, and I am sure he loves you no matter what! I'm sure our kids won't understand that they help us to lose our minds until they're parents themselves.

  2. If I have both my son josh and my brother jack in the same house I will be fumbling at their names all day.

    1. Darn those J names! They really make us fumble, don't they?
